What’s Holding Back Innovation in Today’s World?


By: Brent W. Bedford, February 2023


"Innovation has the power to improve our quality of life."

Innovation is a crucial cog in the wheel of economic growth and quality-of-life enhancements. Despite its importance, there exist various factors that hinder the progress of #innovation in today’s world.

A leading cause for concern is the dearth of #funding for inventive ideas and projects. This can be attributed to the fact that these ideas are usually generated by individuals or small groups who may not possess the personal financial wherewithal or contacts to secure funding from conventional sources. Furthermore, such ideas and projects may lack a verifiable track record, which presents #investors with a challenge in evaluating their potential for success and justifying providing funding.

Another roadblock to innovation is bureaucracy and red tape. Navigating through government regulations and bureaucracy can be an insurmountable obstacle for innovators, especially small businesses and startups, due to the intricacy and cost of compliance. There is often an inadequate understanding of the regulatory landscape, making it difficult for #smallbusiness and startups to comprehend the regulations applicable to their enterprise and to comply with them in a timely and cost-effective manner.

Inadequate access to skilled talent is another factor, as numerous inventive projects require specialized expertise and skills that can be arduous to find or afford.


Here are a few of the main factors holding back innovation in today's world


Many a time, novel ideas and initiatives don’t receive the necessary monetary backing to take off or expand. This issue can be attributed to the fact that such ideas and initiatives are often crafted by individuals or small groups who lack personal financial resources or connections to procure funding from traditional sources, such as banks or #venturecapital . Moreover, these ideas and initiatives may not have a proven track record, making it difficult for investors to evaluate their potential for success and justify investing in them.


Innovation money
"Too much month and the end of the check"

"Many innovative ideas and projects lack the financial resources to get off the ground or scale up."

The high level of risk involved in investing in new and untested concepts is another factor that impedes the flow of funding toward such projects. Venture capitalists, in particular, are often focused on maximizing returns and may be hesitant to invest in ventures that have a high degree of uncertainty or risk. Additionally, many investors prefer to invest in companies that have already established themselves in the market as these companies are more likely to generate a return on investment.


For innovators, particularly small businesses and #startups , navigating the labyrinth of government regulations and bureaucracy can be an uphill battle due to the complexity and high costs of compliance. It’s worth noting that many of these regulations are crafted with large, established corporations in mind and may not account for the distinctive challenges faced by smaller entities.

Furthermore, securing permits, licenses, and other regulatory approvals can be a lengthy and expensive process that diverts resources away from other essential aspects of the business.

A lack of comprehension of the regulatory landscape further compounds the issue, adding another layer of complexity to an already arduous process. As a result, small businesses and startups often face significant challenges in understanding the regulations that pertain to their business and complying with them in a timely and cost-effective manner.

"Navigating government regulations and bureaucracy can be a significant barrier for innovators, especially for small businesses and startups."

"Yer Hold'n Me Back"

Small business owners and Entrepreneurs often lack the same level of expertise and resources as larger companies when it comes to navigating the complicated regulatory environment. Unlike big corporations, small businesses and startups may not have the resources to hire experts to assist them in understanding the regulations that pertain to their business.

This lack of comprehension and resources can be a significant challenge for small businesses and startups, making it difficult for them to comply with regulations in a timely and cost-effective way. Without the proper knowledge and support, small businesses may fall behind, putting their success at risk.


Innovative projects can be challenging to execute due to the requirement for specialized skills and expertise. For instance, projects involving advanced technology or complex engineering may necessitate individuals with highly specific knowledge and abilities that are scarce. Furthermore, acquiring these skills can be expensive, making it challenging for small businesses and startups to recruit the required talent to bring their projects to completion. As a result, innovative projects that necessitate such expertise may be delayed or abandoned altogether.

"Many innovative projects require specialized skills and expertise that can be difficult to find or afford."

"Special Talents Wanted"

Innovative projects often require a unique blend of skills and expertise that can be hard to come by, especially for small businesses and startups. The rapid pace of #technologicaladvancements means that staying current with the latest skills and knowledge can be a challenge for individuals. Additionally, many innovative projects require a range of interdisciplinary skills that may be difficult to find in a single person. This means that assembling a team of experts with different specialized knowledge areas can be crucial to the success of the project, but it can also be costly for smaller businesses. However, there are some strategies that can help small businesses and startups overcome these barriers, such as partnering with universities, offering training programs to current employees, and networking with other businesses in the industry. By being creative and resourceful, small businesses and startups can find ways to access the specialized skills and expertise they need to bring their innovative projects to life.


Investing in new and untested ideas can be challenging for investors and companies because it involves taking on a certain level of risk. There is no guarantee that a new concept will be successful, and this uncertainty can make some investors hesitant to take the plunge. Established ideas with a proven track record, on the other hand, may be seen as less risky because they have a history of success.

As an innovator, it’s important to be aware of these challenges and to develop a strong business plan that demonstrates the potential value and profitability of your idea. This can help to ease investors’ concerns and provide them with the information they need to make an informed decision about investing in your project. By being transparent about your goals, your strategy for achieving them, and the potential risks and challenges involved, you can help to build trust and confidence with potential investors, and increase the likelihood of securing the funding you need to bring your innovative ideas to life.


"Many investors and companies are risk-averse, and may be hesitant to invest in untested or unproven ideas."

"No Risk, No Reward!"

Investors and companies are often focused on maximizing returns, and this can make them risk-averse when it comes to investing in untested or unproven ideas. This is because investing in new and untested concepts can be a high-risk, high-reward proposition, and it may not be the best use of resources for those who want to minimize risk. For many investors and companies, particularly those with limited resources, investing in more established concepts that have a proven track record may be a more attractive option. By doing so, they can maximize their chances of generating a return on investment while minimizing their exposure to risk.


Protecting your intellectual property can be challenging, especially for individuals and small businesses. One reason is that it can be hard to prove ownership of an idea or technology, which can leave you vulnerable to theft or infringement. Furthermore, the process of protecting your #intellectualproperty can be complex and time-consuming, which can be costly and difficult for those without legal expertise. As a result, innovators may be reluctant to invest in developing new ideas for fear of not being able to protect them or receiving proper compensation for their innovation. It’s important to understand the various forms of intellectual property protection and seek legal advice to help navigate the process and ensure that your ideas are properly protected.


To "Patent" or "Not to Patent." This is the Question?

"Protecting intellectual property can be a significant challenge, and the fear of having ideas stolen or copied can discourage innovation."

In today’s digital age, protecting intellectual property is a significant challenge due to the ease of access to information and technology. With just a few clicks, someone can access and replicate an idea or #technology without proper authorization, making it hard for innovators to protect their ideas and monetize them. This can be discouraging for individuals and small businesses, as they may fear having their ideas stolen or copied without proper compensation. Additionally, the fear of theft or copying can discourage collaboration and limit progress as individuals may be hesitant to share their ideas publicly. Therefore, it’s important for innovators to take necessary steps to protect their intellectual property, even in the digital age, to promote innovation and progress.


Creating an environment where everyone has an equal opportunity to innovate can be challenging due to societal and economic inequality. Unfortunately, many individuals from marginalized communities lack access to the resources they need to develop and bring their ideas to life. For example, they may not have access to quality education, funding, or networks that are necessary for innovation. This lack of support and resources can discourage individuals from marginalized communities from pursuing innovation and may lead to a lack of diversity in the innovation ecosystem. Addressing these systemic barriers and biases is crucial to creating a level playing field where everyone has an equal opportunity to innovate and contribute to society.

"It is a challenge to create a level playing field in which all people have the opportunity to innovate."

It’s important to note that government policies can play a significant role in creating a level playing field for innovation, but the lack of such policies can also present a challenge.

Another reason why it is challenging to create a level playing field for innovation is the lack of government policies that support and promote diversity and equity. Many government policies and regulations may benefit established companies and individuals, but they may not consider the unique challenges and needs of underrepresented communities. This can make it difficult for individuals from these communities to access the resources and opportunities necessary for innovation. Additionally, government policies that are designed to #supportinnovation, such as #funding and grants, may not be distributed equitably, further perpetuating the inequality of opportunities for innovation. To create a level playing field for innovation, it is important for governments to recognize and address these challenges and to implement policies that promote diversity, equity, and inclusivity in the innovation ecosystem.


It’s important to recognize that many innovative ideas may face challenges when it comes to finding customers or generating revenue, and this can be due to a number of factors. One such challenge is that these ideas may be ahead of their time, meaning that they may not yet align with current market demand. In such cases, it’s important to continue developing and refining the idea, while also exploring new ways to educate potential customers about the benefits of the innovation.

Another challenge is that the infrastructure and technology necessary to support these ideas may not yet exist, making it difficult for entrepreneurs and companies to bring their ideas to fruition. In such cases, it may be necessary to partner with others who have the necessary expertise and resources to help bring the innovation to market.

It’s also important to recognize that many innovative ideas may require significant time and resources to develop, and may not be able to generate revenue in the short term. In such cases, entrepreneurs and companies may need to explore alternative funding sources, such as grants or #crowdfunding to sustain themselves while they continue to develop and market their ideas.

By recognizing and addressing these challenges, entrepreneurs and companies can increase the chances of success for their innovative ideas, and help pave the way for a more innovative and dynamic economy.

"Many innovative ideas may not align with current market demand, and may struggle to find customers or generate revenue."

Another reason why many innovative ideas may struggle to find customers or generate revenue is that they may not have a clear value proposition or may not effectively communicate their benefits to potential customers. Customers may not understand the unique value that an innovative product or service provides, which can make it difficult for them to justify the cost or take the risk of trying something new. Additionally, the messaging and branding of the product or service may not resonate with the target audience, making it difficult to build brand awareness and attract customers. This highlights the importance of effective marketing and messaging to effectively communicate the value of innovative ideas and to build a customer base.


It’s not uncommon for companies and investors to prioritize short-term profits over long-term innovation, which can hinder the progress of new technologies and products. These entities often feel the pressure to deliver immediate returns to their shareholders and stakeholders, leading them to prioritize projects that can generate revenue in the short term. Unfortunately, this can result in companies and investors neglecting projects that may be more innovative and disruptive, but require a longer development time before generating revenue. This short-term focus can discourage investment in research and development, which is essential for driving innovation and progress in various fields.


"Companies and investors often focus on short-term profits rather than long-term innovation, which can limit the development of new technologies and products."

"Keep Both Perspectives in Balance"

It’s important to note that companies and investors often prioritize short-term profits because they are under constant pressure to deliver immediate returns. However, the lack of understanding and evaluation of new technologies and products can also play a significant role in limiting innovation. It’s important for companies and investors to stay up-to-date with emerging trends and technologies, and to #invest in #researchanddevelopment to better understand the potential impact of these innovations. By taking a long-term view and investing in promising technologies and products, companies and investors can not only generate profits but also contribute to long-term innovation and progress.


Another challenge to the innovation of #environmentallyfriendly and sustainable technologies is the lack of awareness and understanding among consumers and policymakers of the potential benefits and importance of these technologies. Many consumers may not be willing to pay a premium for environmentally friendly products, and policymakers may not prioritize the implementation of regulations and incentives to encourage the development and adoption of #sustainabletechnologies. This lack of demand and support can make it difficult for companies and investors to justify investing in the research and development of environmentally friendly and sustainable technologies, which can limit the growth and impact of these technologies in the long term. Raising awareness and understanding of the benefits and importance of environmentally friendly and sustainable technologies among consumers and policymakers can help to increase demand and support for these technologies, which can encourage companies and investors to invest in their development and implementation.


"The lack of prioritization of these crucial issues can hinder the innovation of new technologies and products that are environmentally friendly and sustainable in the long term."

"Encouraging innovators to do what they do benefits everyone."

In addition to the reasons mentioned before, another important factor that can hinder the innovation of environmentally friendly and sustainable technologies is the lack of public awareness and demand for such products. Many consumers may not be aware of the environmental impact of the products they purchase, or may not prioritize purchasing environmentally friendly and sustainable products over other factors such as price or convenience. This lack of demand can make it less profitable for companies and investors to invest in these technologies, which can limit the development and availability of environmentally friendly and sustainable products in the market. Therefore, it is important for individuals to educate themselves and prioritize purchasing environmentally friendly and sustainable products to create a demand for them, which can encourage companies and investors to invest in their development.


Sometimes, even the most #innovativeideas face challenges in gaining acceptance and adoption due to resistance from society or certain cultural groups. This resistance can be due to a lack of awareness or understanding of the technology or product. People may be hesitant to adopt something new if they don’t understand how it works or the benefits it provides. In such cases, it is important for innovators to effectively communicate the value of their innovation and educate potential users. Additionally, people may be resistant to change and may be hesitant to adopt something new if it is different from what they are used to. It’s important for innovators to consider the cultural context of their innovation and take steps to build trust and understanding with potential users. By addressing these challenges, innovators can increase the potential impact and adoption of their innovation.


"Sometimes, new innovations may be met with resistance from society or certain cultural groups, making it difficult to gain acceptance and adoption. This can be due to a lack of awareness, fear of change, or religious or moral objections. This can limit the potential impact and adoption of the innovation."

It’s important to note that cultural and religious beliefs play a significant role in shaping people’s perspectives and attitudes toward new innovations. As a result, innovators should be aware of the potential impact their innovation may have on different cultural or religious groups, and take steps to address any concerns or objections that may arise. It’s essential to engage in open and respectful dialogue with these groups and work towards finding solutions that are acceptable to everyone. By doing so, innovators can help build trust and acceptance for their innovation, and increase the chances of success in the market.


In summary, lack of funding, Bureaucracy and red tape, and limited access to talent are some of the main factors that can hold back innovation in today’s world. These factors can make it difficult for innovators to secure funding, navigate regulations, and find the necessary talent to bring their ideas to fruition.


Brent W. Bedford is the Founder, Chairman & CEO of Perpetual Industries Inc. a US public company headquartered in Indiana, USA, and listed on the OTCMarkets under the stock symbol PRPI.

Perpetual is an emerging growth company with a diverse R&D portfolio, income-generating divisions, and a wholly-owned subsidiary Worldwide Auctioneers. Proprietary, energy-efficient XYO Mechanical Balancing Technology and products in development that include XYO-enhanced domestic washing machineWindSilo VAWT (Vertical Axis Wind Turbine), and the mobile app Autografic for collector car enthusiasts.




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About Perpetual Industries

Perpetual Industries is an incubator for the development of new and innovative energy efficient technologies. We coordinate research and development activities aimed at supporting innovative ideas that have the potential to impact and advance a wide range of industries on a global scale..

Perpetual’s sophisticated network of experts and team of business people have access to a vast international network of contacts and resources that enable us to provide essential components needed to take an idea from the initial stage through to commercialization.

One of the key areas of focus in the company include research, development, and commercialization of new and innovative energy efficient products that incorporate our proprietary XYO Technology.  Another key area of focus is the implementation of environmentally friendly solutions for the blockchain industry.

Our goal is to advance and integrate green energy power sources such as solar, wind, and hydro into computer processing to lessen the environmental impact and cost of power consumed by miners in the fast emerging global decentralized Blockchain industry.

Perpetual Industries Inc.
5634 Opportunity Blvd, Unit F
Auburn, IN 46706

Ph: 702-707-9811

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